Nurses on Boards
Have a voice in the Boardroom
As part of its leadership work with the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action, the Louisiana Action Coalition is working to ensure nurses have a voice in the boardroom. To further that goal, LAC is working with the Nurses on Boards Coalition a group comprised of 21 national organizations committed to the goal of 10,000 nurses on boards by 2020.
If you currently serve on a board, we ask that you enter your information into a national database that can be found on the Nurses on Boards Coalition website (see link below or click bar on right side of page).
Simply click on the link below and choose "Yes" on the "Do you serve on a board?" section of the home page.
Want to serve on a board? Click on the link and choose "No, but I want to serve."
Nurses who wish to serve on a board should fill out the downloadable application on the LSNA website (link bar on right side of page).
LAC worked with Louisiana State Nurses Association (LSNA) to develop a process by which nurses who are interested in serving on Boards and Commissions can gain the knowledge and skills to serve. Visit the Nurses on Boards and Commissions (NOBC) web page on LSNA's website to find out more by clicking here, or click the bar on the right.