The Louisiana Action Coalition Congratulates Clair Millet

The Louisiana Action Coalition congratulates Clair Petit Millet, DNP, APRN, PHCNS-BC, on being one of 25 nurses from across the country selected as a Public Health Nurse Leader by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. She will participate in a two-year leadership development program designed to strengthen the capacity of senior public health nurses to improve health and lead collaboration in their communities.
As a part of this program, Millet will work closely with the Louisiana Action Coalition to implement recommendations from the Institute of Medicine’s Future of Nursing report, as part of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action.
Millet is currently director of Nursing at the Louisiana Dept. of Health and Hospitals Office of Public Health (OPH) where she provides leadership for the planning, development, coordination, implementation and evaluation of nursing services for the OPH. Millet is responsible for planning and directing the nursing component for public health emergency situations, emerging public health issues and threats affecting the health and environment of the statewide community-at-large.
“We congratulate Clair on her award,” said Cynthia Bienemy, PhD, RN, Louisiana Center for Nursing director and Louisiana Action Coalition co-lead. “We are so excited to work with her and for the public health expertise she is bringing to our Action Coalition. This collaboration will help us to further our work building healthier communities here in Louisiana.”